July 2007
WaterSlide Video
Bubble Gun Video Unicycle Video
Grandpa Tom trying to ride his new unicycle
Ah, so that's how they make that "looking at you thru the bubble" special effect You sure the recommended age says "over 2"? I wonder just how far water can be thrown?
Bubble Gun II Video High Chair Video
Alyssa, that's a really BIG book!
That's my brother, sitting up by himself You see Sissy, I told you I could read Arabic as well as I read English!
Forget the big ticket gift items, one helium balloon is the best toy investment yet Hey, aren't I just slam dunk cute!
Who says I'm too young to play football? And yet, this was my favorite part of practice Yeah, I'm strong
Dad teaching good habits That was me And THAT's Elliot
Who puts this many toddlers in one place? Guess Elliot was being shy
Enjoying Eva's JW Tumbles party Even Elliot and Justin got in on the fun
Whatcha doin' Grandpa?
Thanks, Grandma!
My siblings, partying hard What's this about?
Oh, I think I understand Yummy Aunt Vonnie hugs
Come on Alyssa, let's climb all the way to the top!
Elliot, you're a little too young to be a rapper
My girlfriend, Sabrina Can we do this over and over and over and over???
Score the video
Last day of football, not enough kids to keep the program going
Who knew a squirt bottle could be so much fun?
Grandpa Tom came to help assemble furniture for the new office, hijacked him for some couch time
TBall Video
Popup Air Ball Video
Wanna squirt?
Mom, circa 1978
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